Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"Apple and carrot"

Today in drawing class, we continued to draw still lifes of random produce. 
This is actually a very symbolic picture because it symbolizes the good fruit of sticking things through.
After working out really hard yesterday, my muscles were very sore and all I wanted to do was just go home and lie down and sleep. 
But i'm really glad I decided to just go because I ended up having a really good time with peers and also ended up doing a pretty good job by the time class was over. 



Today I embark on a journey... hopefully lasting 336 days.
A lot of people have been doing this thing where they take a picture throughout their day that symbolizes delight (Project 366 : www.gregariouspeach.com).
I love this idea- it's so easy to go through the days of our lives like they are insignificant. But when you just take the time to find at least one thing that is delightful within that 24 hours, I think it really makes life a little more meaningful and intentional. "Live on purpose!"

I say 336 days because I missed the first 30 days, but through the encouragement and inspiration from my cousin Hannah (go to her blog! --> www.hannahgram.com) . Here I go, 336 days, one photo a day. Join me!

-Helen K.