Friday, April 6, 2012

So many thoughts in my head

I am a great thinker. I am also a terrible rememberer.

So many times a great thought or idea will enter in through my mind, but just as easily as it enters, it leaves without even being put away into the
pocket of my brain for later use.

-I am thankful to write the thought that just entered into my head-

Actually, I've been thinking a lot about fear and how a lot of the time, it is the greatest motivator of my actions.
Fear can cause or not cause people to do many things. For example, I've had such a big fear of roller coasters, that every time I went to six flags with my friends it was already decided in my mind that I would wait in line together with my friends and when the time came to actually board the roller coaster, I would walk straight across to the other side and wait for the ride to be over. This fear greatly affected my time at this amusement park-it motivated me to not ride the roller coaster. Hm..i'm not so sure if that is the greatest example to express this idea of fear as a motivation in life. But anyway, to get on with the actual thought that just came into my head, I came to a big realization of how much fear really stops me from living. And also knowing that God has an incredible plan for me, why should I fear that? But I do. It seems strange to fear an awesome future. It is almost counterintuitive. But I really do have this tendency to fear my future, even though I believe with all my heart that it's going to be so awesome.

So where does this fear come from then? It definitely comes from one who is against me, my ultimate enemy.
This ties in with another thought that I have been having in the past month about all the lies that Satan has been whispering into my ear.

He's been telling me :

"You've lived an average life so far, and that's what your life is going to be. You know how easy it is to just relax, flip on a tv show and just veg out. I mean, come on who do you think you are? You think you can 'grow' and be 'fruitful'? You are so weak. It's best for you to just stay out people's way and live your life through fantasy. "
"You suck at singing."
"You're not destined for greatness."
"You're too afraid to take the next steps in life that are right in front of you."
"You have no power over your feelings and drowsiness."

To expand on that last one- I have been feeling very sleepy these days. This is not the first time. Being sleepy is one of my many tendencies in an attempt to escape from what is going on in my life-if something is "too hard". I've experienced this right as I settled down to start studying, looking at my incredibly messy room or when I am avoiding something that I know that I can't handle. I realized that this is a great symptom of my own fear.

I realized this after our UIC Easter retreat a couple of weeks ago. It was great, the Holy Spirit's presence was intense and I believe that God answered my prayer or is beginning to answer my prayer in bringing a revival to not only the students, but the married couples and those who are "older". Anyway, This retreat was really great to me not only because of what other people experienced, but because of what I experienced-the love of Jesus. As I listened to the messages and participated in the group Bible studies, it was revealed to me how intential Jesus' love is-which is why it is so great. Jesus, being 100% man and 100% God did not die not mainly die because he was losing a lot of blood, but because He wanted to. He chose to die right after the last prophecy was fulfilled and also fulfilling the will and salvation plan of God. When He said "It is finished" and breathed His last, that's when I gained my freedom and that's when I gained my inheritance-daughter of God. Amen.

Now, I know that this could be pretty confusing me talking about being free in Jesus but also being in fear-which doesn't make sense when combining the two. But what happened after the retreat was that I started sleeping a lot. I received so much at the retreat and I knew that from that moment on, my life would never be the same (just as the disciples' lives were never the same after Jesus rose from the dead and came to visit them in their house). And I don't know why, but I was afraid of that. One thing that is worthy to note, however, is that in all my life of having fear, I have learned that I really only fear 2 things-the unknown and dying. I strangely fear not knowing something more than dying. I become anxious if I don't know what is going to be up ahead in my life or even when I go for a drive in the car (thank goodness for GPS). But I guess I have been sleeping so much because I fear the unknown in my future. I fear that once I decide to follow God's leading for my life, I'll never know what's coming next-which is not even completely true.

One last thought that God has given to me is about me and prayer. I am terrible at praying on a daily basis. Not to make it sound like I need to do it out of obligatory or habitual reasons-althought that's how it was in the past-but I do feel that I am lacking some sort of prayer routine. And the reason why I am stressing on prayer right now is because I know that prayer is the solution to my fear and also the answer to all my questions (I thought I had so many thoughts that go unnoticed, but the questions in my head that are going unanswered are piling up as each day goes by). So I will end this post with simply stating the fact and hope that I increase in prayer, make it a priority in my life, because there is no better feeling than to get answers directly from the source-especially when that source is the ultimate leader of your life.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am sick. Body pains and a fever, but in the middle of it all I was able to really be filled with joy and thankfulness.

My mom packs my lunch everyday. But I was really thankful to open up my lunch bag and see all of these yummy and nutritious snacks today. I love my mom <3

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Looks gross right. Well it was DELICIOUS. Sometimes the best thing to eat is shin ramyun with eggs and kimchi. yumm

Monday, February 6, 2012


But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
~Psalm 1:2~

blessed through the Word today!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Since it is officially Sunday, it is time for another update on the blog.
Recently, I came across elephants. I love elephants. How they look and just the adorable relationship between a mother and baby elephant. Very cute.

i hope you smile at this! because I certainly did :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Happy happy Saturday!!

Today, I am SO GLAD to share with you all my two newest obsessions.

1. Jesus Culture

2. Grande toffeenut coffee with a steamed soy topper (drool) from starbucks

Just sitting in this starbucks, drinking this coffee and listening to Jesus culture through a live feed is really filling me with joy. Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

Friday, February 3, 2012


Today is Friday! It is the end of the week  and on to the weekend :)

After a nice time at the gym, it was nice to walk into the UIC Bible house to see these two little kiddies playing Apples to Apples with Sarah. This is such a pleasant thing to see-an adult genuinely playing a game with small children. Sarah was pretty sick, but she still took the time out to play with them, and educate the little one on how to play. It was a really sweet moment~

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/336 + 3/336

I forgot to update the blog yesterday but I did take a picture :) So this post will be a combination of yesterday and today (sadly). I need to stop forgetting... hehe

Yesterday, I headed to the gym despite having sore legs. I ran 3 miles. And afterwards, my body was just screaming "Food! Food! Food!" So I brought out my lunch. Looking at it, I was really thankful for my mom who made the lunch for me. It made me think about all the things that she does everyday (driving me to the train station, making my lunch, sending me random cute text messages, etc.) I love my mom! I hope I can be as great of a mom as her when I someday have kids :)



Today I was walking to my drawing class (I talk a lot about my drawing class, I know) and just everything around me was beautiful (it may be because I was listening to Beirut at the same time). The sun was setting, and the skies were amazingly clear. As I looked to my right, there was the skyline in plain view-it was stunning. This picture really does not do any justice to how beautiful the city of Chicago really can be. This made me really thankful to live in such a wonderful city as Chicago. I am truly blessed!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"Apple and carrot"

Today in drawing class, we continued to draw still lifes of random produce. 
This is actually a very symbolic picture because it symbolizes the good fruit of sticking things through.
After working out really hard yesterday, my muscles were very sore and all I wanted to do was just go home and lie down and sleep. 
But i'm really glad I decided to just go because I ended up having a really good time with peers and also ended up doing a pretty good job by the time class was over. 



Today I embark on a journey... hopefully lasting 336 days.
A lot of people have been doing this thing where they take a picture throughout their day that symbolizes delight (Project 366 :
I love this idea- it's so easy to go through the days of our lives like they are insignificant. But when you just take the time to find at least one thing that is delightful within that 24 hours, I think it really makes life a little more meaningful and intentional. "Live on purpose!"

I say 336 days because I missed the first 30 days, but through the encouragement and inspiration from my cousin Hannah (go to her blog! --> . Here I go, 336 days, one photo a day. Join me!

-Helen K.